

Recreational Sports

Club Sports

Club Sports are a great way to be active on campus. There is no experience required to join a club and all students are welcome. The Club Sports Program at 91AV offers the opportunity for students to compete as non-varsity athletes in various forms of intercollegiate competition while assisting in the development of well-rounded student leaders. All Club Sports are registered student organizations through the Office of Student Engagement. Students are directly responsible for all aspects of operating and managing a successful competitive sports organization.

Active Clubs

  • Fishing Club
  • Tennis
  • Golf 
  • Esports 

Don't see a club you are interested in? Contact malik.jones@tamuk.edu to get the information needed to start a new club on campus.

  1. Schedule an appointment with the Competitive Sports Coordinator at the Recreational Sports Department to discuss the process to becoming a Club Sport, and the differences between a Club Sport and Registered Student Organization.
  2. Select an Advisor. Each organization must have an advisor who is a member of the faculty or staff at TAMUK. Graduate students and teaching students are not eligible to be advisors.
  3. Create a Statement of Purpose which states what your organization wishes to accomplish.
  4. Create an Information Sheet which is a form outlining your organization’s leadership.
  5. Create a Constitution. All organizations must submit (and keep current) a constitution and any other governing documents, such as by-laws. These will also routinely need to be updated every three years. All versions must be dated and have Advisor and Officer signatures.
  6. Create a Membership Roster. Each organization must have at least 10 members to be a recognized student organization.
  7. Advisor Contract: Each organization must submit an Advisor Contract. The advisor must complete the Campus Clery Compliance Training on TrainTraq  (2111844: Clery Act Guidelines for A&M System Campus Security Authorities). 
  8. New Student Organization documents must be submitted on for approval.
  9. Javelina Central is where you will be updated on the latest important deadlines and information for student groups and organizations on campus. Javelina Central will also provide information on events, activities, and programs.