
McNair Symposium

25th McNair & 7th PURS Research Symposium

Trinidad Leal

Covid-19’s Effect on the Physical Activity Levels of College Students

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was understood that most adult Americans are physically inactive, and among that general demographics lies college students. Due to COVID-19 states across the nation were put on lockdown, closing gyms and workout studios in addition to reductions in public outings such as visiting parks and hiking trails. COVID-19 also caused many people to lose their jobs, which may have also restricted access to programs for physical activity. It’s hypothesized that these factors may have led to the overall decline of physical activity in college students. In addition to trying to understand the physical activity levels of college students during this time, the survey also aims to understand what the participants decided to do with their time during the pandemic.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Daniel Burt

Department of Health and Kinesiology

Trinidad Leal