
McNair Symposium

25th McNair & 7th PURS Research Symposium

Adan Martinez

Understanding The Demand For Agricultural Science Teachers in Texas

In the state of Texas, there is a large demand for Agricultural Science Teachers. The large number of job postings demonstrates this demand. Current research shows that many teachers did not return to agricultural science teaching positions in recent years, which led to a decrease in the number of agricultural science teachers while the number of agricultural science education programs remained the same. There are a number of factors that have contributed to teachers’ decisions to leave their positions. These trends existed across many career and technical education programs despite efforts to retain teachers.  This descriptive study focused on identifying trends in data that consisted primarily of job openings across the state of Texas. The data showed that there were over 100 job openings posted across the ten weeks, varying across the different fields within agricultural science. This date resulted in the findings that the state of Texas is in dire need of Agricultural Science teachers.  These programs in high schools help prepare students for their Agricultural Science majors as college students. This conclusion informs university-level agricultural science majors on gaps in the field so that university programs can best prepare their students for careers as agricultural science teachers.  

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Steven B. Chumbley 

Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness, and Environmental Sciences

Poster presentation

Adan Martinez