
McNair Symposium

25th McNair & 7th PURS Research Symposium

Chelsi Pena

Educational Television Meets Learning

The purpose of this study is to justify edutainment as a possible and viable source among Speech Language Pathologist’s (SLPs) treatment options. Educational television is the source analyzed for its beneficial factors towards children’s development through teaching the youth academic skills, social communication, expressive and receptive skills, critical thinking and prediction skills, and fast mapping with motivational factors that engage the children in developing these skills. The skills are applied to use of educational activities, apps, websites, or games related to educational programs on various media devices. This is a survey research being constructed by the responses of SLP professionals on topics pertaining to the overall beliefs or uses of edutainment on child development. Approximately 120 SLPs throughout the state of Texas will be contacted. From a great deal of literature reviews and evidence gathered, it can be assumed that SLPs will side in favor of edutainment for educational programs and technology relations. The goal of the research is to establish a new treatment option that can influence a child’s learning in a fun and exciting approach.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Stephen Oller

Department of Clinical Health Sciences

Poster presentation

Chelsi Pena