
McNair Symposium

25th McNair & 7th PURS Research Symposium

Miranda Ventura

Evaluation of Cotton Varieties to Boll Rot Infection

Cotton is an important crop grown worldwide. Cotton bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas citri pv malvacearum (Xcm), is a significant cotton disease that can impact cotton yield. The objective of this research is to evaluate disease incidence and severity of cotton boll rot when inoculated with Xcm. Field trials were conducted at the 91AV;M University farm- Kingsville. Seven commercial cotton varieties were planted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. All the varieties were inoculated with Xcm at a concentration of 106 CFU’s per ml using a CO2 backpack sprayer on June 22, 2020. The plots were rated for disease incidence and severity 7&14 days after inoculation. The results indicate that the resistant commercial cotton varieties evaluated remained resistance to Xcm.

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Greta Schuster

Department of Agriculture, Agribusiness, and Environmental Sciences

Poster presentation

Miranda Ventura